2023 Ur 1st Luv Fuchsia
WINEMAKER: Sally Rainbows
REGION: Riverland, SA/Orange, NSW
VARIETY: Zibbibo, Sauvignon Blanc
VITICULTURE: Certified Organic/Sustainable
Ur 1st Luv (FKA Sally Rainbows) is here! Made by one of our all-time favourite human beings in a Marrickville warehouse, all organic fruit, zero adds. Notes from Sal: "Fuchsia is easily misspelled, Fuchsia is a vibrant colour, Fuchsia is a cool flower, Fuchsia writes nice words about nice food Aromatic, zingy flowers and yum times. Pretty much a white wine (!) yup can drink it. Fuchsia is a bit of an experiment and a blend of happenstance, dictated by logistics, supply chains, tank and barrel space and trying new things. We expanded our grower repertoire a little bit and purchased some Zibbibo (not organic but what they do out there is cool) from Ricca Terra Farms in the Riverland, Ngawadi, and a friend hooked us up with some Savvy B (cert organic) from Cargo Road in Orange, Wiradjuri. Both went into the basket press when they arrived, Zibo’s after 2 days, Savvy B after 7 hours, and were presssed directly to barrel to ferment. Where they stayed for 10 months until being blended 60 zib/30sav, racked and bottled with no s02"