Two Metre Tall Soured Wild Plum Ale

REGION: Derwent Valley, TAS
SIZE: 750ml / ABV: 7.4%
"Why do I admire plums so much? Because they are the ultimate “chameleon”. Camouflaged, plums adapt to, take on and integrate with each particular environment as if they have always belonged there. A dried plum and anchovy entrée is sticky plum and salt. Plums with roast pork is all about this incredible fruit enriching, texturizing & sweetening the naturally delicious pork flavours, not about the plum itself. Then plums with ice-cream is a simple, refreshing seasonal fruity delight. There’s a lot of plum on that menu, but it’s never an excess. Plums are by nature humble, team players, your best friend. And for this reason, they are a dream to ferment!
Steeped in spontaneously wild fermenting Tasmanian farmhouse ale for ... years ... and, well, more years ... against the grain of all commercial sensibilities. A maturation time so long it allows for the development of the magic of umami (think Japanese ume), subtle almond characters from the pip – the core of the fruit – and a velvety texture spiced up by the wildly complex and extremely numerous acidities originating from this genuinely complex, multi- species, completely self-established & self-regulated fermentation.
Against the grain of all conventional brewing wisdom, we release a product from our cellars at 6-years old (on average) completely confident that, should you wish, you could hold this delight for many years to come and bear witness to an increasing textural elegance over that journey. However, having completed the first long, essential chapter of maturation on your behalf, we also joyfully bid you permission to drink this immediately. Afterall, there really is no point cellaring something you haven’t already tried!
Originally a winemaker in southern France, Ashley Huntington and his family moved to a 580 hectare farm in the Derwent Valley in 2004. Originally looking to plant vines to make wine, they fell in love with Tasmania's rich hop growing history and established Two Metre Tall instead. A true farmhouse brewery, using estate-grown & local ingredients and exclusively wild and mixed culture ferments with indigenous yeasts and local microflora. Ashley is a pioneer of sour and natural fermentation and one of the most important figures in farmhouse brewing.