Two Metre Tall Original Sparkling Mead (750ml)

"Whole hive honey from our farm blended with water from the River Derwent - wild fermented in barrel for 2 years prior to release. The progressive, rhythmic input from a myriad of wild microflora and the most impactful of these are the diverse and plentiful species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Organoleptically, dependent on many diverse characteristics, this impact plays out in the resultant beverage as a balance between the production of lactic acid and acetic acid. Floral, complex, dry and acidic." - Ashley Huntington
Originally a winemaker in southern France, Ashley Huntington and his family moved to a 580 hectare farm in the Derwent Valley in 2004. Originally looking to plant vines to make wine, they fell in love with Tasmania's rich hop growing history and established Two Metre Tall instead. A true farmhouse brewery, using estate-grown & local ingredients and exclusively wild and mixed culture ferments with indigenous yeasts and local microflora. Ashley is a pioneer of sour and natural fermentation and one of the most important figures in farmhouse brewing.