Working Title Hive Pavlova Sparkling Mead

REGION: Brisbane, QLD
SIZE: 500ml / ABV: 5%
We’ve transformed the definitive Australian summertime dessert into a mead. Tropical fruits and berries collide with a creamy body and clean finish. Taking a fully fermented, dry sparkling mead we added back real passionfruit, strawberry, and blueberry fruits with lactose sugar. Passionfruit and cream on the nose, supported by soft red berries and a floral honey note. Thick and oozing. Sit back, relax, chuck the cricket on and drown the family out with some post lunch Pavlova coma.
Craft microbrewery located in Newstead, Brisbane. Old faithfuls, new concoctions and a few serendipitous cock-ups along the way. No rhyme and no reason; just good beer.